- The Association shall be called the GWENT County Archery Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.
(a) The funds and properties of the Association shall be vested in the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
(b) All monies and sums received on behalf of the Association shall remain the property of the Association and there will be no distribution of such funds or property amongst the members.
In the event of the Association being dissolved, all assets shall, after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be vested in the W.A.A. to be held until such time as the Association shall be reformed.
The postal address of the Association shall be that of the Secretary.
The object of the Association shall be the promotion, within Clubs, of archery in all forms other than Bow-Hunting.
The Association shall not include in its constitution or Rules of Shooting any provision which conflicts with those of the G.N.A.S.
The Association shall hold, condition permitting, an Indoor and Outdoor Championship each year and any other tournaments as may be required.
The Association shall be responsible for the selection of any Association Teams competing in Tournaments, the method of selection to be decided at an Executive Committee meeting.
The Constitution shall not be altered, or amended, except at a general meeting. Such amendments to be submitted in writing not less than one month before the proposed meeting. All ordinary members and Associated Clubs to be given not less than ten days notice of such amendments.
G.N.A.S and F.I.T.A Rules of Shooting to apply at all times.
There shall be four classes of members: –
(1) Honorary Members
(2) Ordinary Members
(3) Associated Members
(4) Junior Associated Members
Any person having attained the age of 18 years shall be eligible as a Member, or if under that age, as a Junior Member.
Any Archery Club within the boundaries of Monmouthshire, County Borough of Torfaen and the City of Newport shall be eligible for Affiliation as an Associated Club, at a fee to be decided upon by the members at a General meeting. The fee will be a sum for each member, or a block fee in the case of an Associated Junior Club
A member of an Associated club shall be deemed to be an Associate Member as long as the club remains an Associated Club.
Any person whom the Association may wish to honour for services to Archery may be elected at a General Meeting as an Honorary Member. Nominations for such an election shall in the first place be made to the Executive Committee for their observations.
All members shall accept the jurisdiction of the Association and shall conform at all times to such rules and conditions as may be determined by the Association.
1) The Committee may at any meeting by a two thirds vote of those present and entitled to vote, reprimand, suspend or expel any member who has violated these Rules or whose conduct is deemed detrimental to the best interests of the association.
2) Before any such disciplinary action the member shall be given at least 14 days notice in writing and shall be granted the opportunity to be heard by the committee.
3) The decision of the committee shall be communicated to the member in writing and the committee shall not be required to explain its actions to any but those concerned. The committee is however free, if it so decides, to publish its decision in any medium, including the journals of national or international archery bodies.
4) The member shall be allowed 28 days from the date of communication of the decision of the committee in which to lodge an appeal against the decision, in writing, with the secretary of the association. The committee shall not communicate its decision, other than to the member, until that period has expired or an appeal has been lodged, whichever is the sooner.
5) In the event of an appeal against the decision of the committee, the chairman of the regional committee shall be requested to appoint an Appeal Panel of three independent individuals. No member of the County Committee may sit on this panel.
6) The Panel may hear such witnesses and consider such evidence as it shall think fit and its decision shall be binding both upon the appellant and the association.
All Members as defined in Clause 11 (other than Honorary Members) shall pay an annual subscription to the Association at rates to be determined from time to time by the members at General meetings.
All subscriptions shall become due one month before the date set by theG.N.A.S. for the submission of subscriptions due to the G.N.A.S. The Treasurer of the Association to inform all clubs of such a date twenty-one days before.
Any member or club who has not paid the subscription by the due date shall cease to be a member of the Association, and shall only be re-admitted at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
The management of the Association’s affairs shall be entrusted to an Executive Committee. This Committee to consist of: –
(1) Chairman
(2) Secretary
(3) Treasurer
(4) County Coaching Organiser
Representatives from each affiliated club on the following scale: –
Up to 10 members – One representative
11 to 25 members – Two representatives
26 and over members – Three representatives
The Committee shall appoint officers (e.g.Tournaments Secretary etc.) from time to time as the need arises. Such Officers may sit on the Committee as necessary, but shall have no voting powers.
All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General meeting.
The Committee may appoint Sub-committees with executive powers to within defined limits. All such committee decisions to be ratified by the Committee
The Quorum at General meetings to be a minimum of 6 members with 3 clubs represented* and 50% of Clubs at Executive Committee meetings. In the event of the quorum not being attained the adjournment of the meeting shall be at the discretion of the Association’s Officers. *Adopted 18/11/2013.
The balance sheet shall be distributed with the notification of the Annual General meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of November each year.
Not less than 14 days notice to be given to all members via the club secretaries. Individual notice to be given to all Ordinary Members.
Voting to be: –
(1) one vote per senior member.
(2) No member may vote in more than one capacity.
(3) No voting by proxy.
(4) No junior can be allowed to vote.
The Committee may, or at the request of two or more clubs, call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
In the case of emergency the Officers shall have full executive powers to act on their own accord.
Adopted at Annual General Meeting
18th November 2013
Ann White
Hon. Secretary